Drop-in english meditation class with Gen Kelsang Palden, Wednesday 19:00 – 20:00
Join Gen Palden, Buddhist monk and resident teacher of Kadampa Meditation Centre Austria, for two guided meditations, and a short inspiring talk on how we can conjoin our daily activities with positive attitudes and spiritual perspectives that transform our daily life into the spiritual path – the path to true happiness that comes from within.
Topic in July: Finding emotional balance though meditation
Many people desire more harmony with themselves and others – a life from which one doesn’t need a vacation.
In this lecture series, learn and deepen very special and powerful meditations to achieve and maintain emotional balance in your relationships.
Info: The meditation evenings in July will not be taught by Gen Palden, but by the following experienced meditation teachers:
Mon, 3rd July: Verena Lassacher
Mon, 10th July: Verena Lassacher
Mon, 17th July: Kelsang Norwang
Mon, 24th July: Kelsang Norwang
In our hectic world, moments of happiness often seem fleeting, while inner peace appears elusive. Negative mental states like uncontrolled desire and anger create endless problems and hinder us from fulfilling our deepest desires.
Buddha’s timeless teachings of the four noble truths offer a clear and simple solution. They guide us toward an oasis of peace and happiness within our hearts.
What to expect?
--> two calming meditations
--> a short talk with simple and practical tips
--> (optional) some discussion after the class with like-minded people
and Gen Palden
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