Dark 80s Classics & New Retro Goth Sounds mit
DJ Eraserhead + DJ Dust
Dead "Richy" Gein (Bloodsucking Zombies from Outer Space)
Erneut gibt es den "Early Bat Discount":
Nur 4,00 € Eintritt in der ersten Stunde (8,00 € ab 23:00 Uhr)!
Eintritt: 4,00 € < 23:00 Uhr > 8,00 €
The party for all the lost boys, living dead girls, werewolves, bats and other children of the night!
Drive down memory lane to the 80s and meet all the legends from the dark side of this decade and dive deep Into today’s sounds from the new breed of the Gothic Underground.
All that with a horror vibe brought to you by sounds and visuals with the cult movies from the eighties like Near Dark, Lost Boys, Nightmare on Elm Street, Friday the 13th, Prince of Darkness, Halloween, Critters, Creep Show, Hellraiser and more!
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WohinTippHQ 27 mins ago