Where is the Stuwerviertel located and why is it called like that? What explosive past does this neighborhood have and is it still disreputable today?
We start at Mexikoplatz with a visit to the St. Francis of Assisi church with the Sisi Memorial Chapel, one of the most beautiful Art Nouveau places in Vienna (visit is always subject to opening hours of the church), walk to the Vorgartenmarkt, the culinary center of the Grätzel, continue via the charming Ilgplatz with the Circus and Clown Museum to the formerly disreputable Max Winter Platz and end at the Venediger Au with a view of the Giant Ferris Wheel.
Please reserve your spot via the website: https://graetzeltours.at/en/booking-2/
das Mezzanin, 01. Innere Stadt, Wien
Do 19. Sep 2024 16:00
Arnold Schönberg Center, 03. Landstraße, Wien
Di 12. Nov 2024 18:30
Arnold Schönberg Center, 03. Landstraße, Wien
Do 10. Okt 2024 18:30
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WohinTippHQ 25 mins ago